Monday, September 16, 2024

setp 2009

 Winston, Lily (Winston's daughter) and Cervelo posing in front of my stunted banana trees. I did not winter them and unfortunately had severe freezing temperatures which killed many of my plants. I was very surprised and happy when the banana trees started to grow again. This year I will winterize them properly. May not be so lucky next time!!

sept 2021 Boss x Nalu boy

 Pictured is SHEN, our lovely Boss x Nalu boy. Completing his CHAMPIONSHIP going BEST OF OPPOSITE (over specials) and BEST OF WINNERS.Also known as BARTLAND’S OCEANUS. Shen is loved and owned by Michael Wonnacott and Michelle Jarvis-Wonnacott of Nanaimo, BC and myself.THANK YOU judge Susan Norris-Jones for awarding our boy!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sept 15/2021 BOSS X NALU daughter , QUORRA


Thank you to Canadian Dog Fancier, Angel Wagner, Sandy Steck and Chris Purves for the fabulous pictures and ad of Quorra. I just love this beautifully put together girl who is just as competitive in the field as she is in the ring. ❤️🐾