Sunday, July 25, 2021
Mount Cheam Kennel Club and Sporting Dog Club hosting the shows July 16-18th, 2021
Sporting Dog Club
Sunday, July 18, 2021 - Specialty-Sunday of BC
Boss was awarded Group 2nd by Judge Mel Saranchuk with handler, Michelle Yeadon

Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Boss + Nalu pups ' first dog show was a winner !!!
Thank you to @mountcheamcanineassociation @goldenretrieverclubofbc @sportingdogclubofbc Thunderbird Show Park and Heidi Gervais and club members for putting on a fabulous show this past weekend. The venue was spectacular and the shows were run to perfection.
Quorra “Bartlands Poseidon Adventure” was WB on Friday, WB Saturday show1, WB/BOW Saturday show2, WB/BOW and BOS over the specials Sunday show1 to finish her Championship, quick move up for Sunday show2 with BOS to start on her GR Championship,
Shen “Bartland’s Oceanus “ picked up BOW x2 for 6 points
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Boss + Nalu's puppy, Shen at his first dog show
Great news to share, Ms Quorra also know as Bartland’s Posiedon Adventure went Winners Bitch for 3 points yesterday. Expertly handled by Team Driessen/ McMullan

SHEN “Bartland’s Oceanus “ picked up BOW x2 for 6 points.