Sunday, March 2, 2025

Feb 27/2025

 So proud of our girl! GCHG BARTLAND’S POSEIDON ADVENTURE. The weekly training at Hunterspride Acres with the VIPDC group is paying off for Quorra. Established a nice, stylish point which garnered her a qualifying score and her 1st leg of her Field Dog Junior. Thank you to judge Stephen Hill.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Feb. 2019 show memory , BOSS


Working 10 hr. shifts this weekend was made all the more worthwhile . Happy Days are here !!! First I received mail I was not expecting . Boss started his 2019 show year going to the US for two shows, Western Washington Cluster + Rose City Classic back to back with Michelle + her Team.Proud to say Boss won 5 BOB + 2 BOS the net result with BOSS earning US GR CH. The GR CH certificate was the surprise mail !!!

Monday, September 16, 2024

setp 2009

 Winston, Lily (Winston's daughter) and Cervelo posing in front of my stunted banana trees. I did not winter them and unfortunately had severe freezing temperatures which killed many of my plants. I was very surprised and happy when the banana trees started to grow again. This year I will winterize them properly. May not be so lucky next time!!

sept 2021 Boss x Nalu boy

 Pictured is SHEN, our lovely Boss x Nalu boy. Completing his CHAMPIONSHIP going BEST OF OPPOSITE (over specials) and BEST OF WINNERS.Also known as BARTLAND’S OCEANUS. Shen is loved and owned by Michael Wonnacott and Michelle Jarvis-Wonnacott of Nanaimo, BC and myself.THANK YOU judge Susan Norris-Jones for awarding our boy!